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Papamoa, New Zealand – Tū Mai Rā Energy were honored to partner with Generation Homes to be apart of an amazing kaupapa by Ngā Potiki with the build of 10 brand new affordable homes in the Manawa area. These homes were built with a focus on sustainability and energy efficiency, providing families with homes that are both comfortable and affordable, setting a new standard for sustainable living.

Each home is equipped with a solar panel system provided by Tū Mai Rā Energy, which will generate clean and renewable energy for the homes. This will significantly reduce the homes’ reliance on traditional, carbon-emitting energy sources and provide the families with more affordable and sustainable energy options.

The 10-brand new affordable rental homes will provide families in the Manawa area with access to comfortable and sustainable living options. These homes will be well-appointed and equipped with the latest in energy-efficient technologies, providing families with a high standard of living at an affordable cost.

Tū Mai Rā was honored to attend the official opening of the Manawa Houses, hosted by Ngā Potiki. The event was attended by Peeni Henare, MP Tamati Coffey and representatives from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, and it was a true celebration of the community’s hard work and dedication in providing safe and affordable housing for the residents.

Recently moved-in families from Nga Potiki welcomed everyone to the event and showed everyone around their new homes. The warm and welcoming atmosphere was palpable, and the residents’ pride in their new homes was contagious. The homes were well-appointed, and the families shared their joy in having a place to call their own.

The opening of the Manawa Houses was a truly inspiring event, and Tū Mai Rā was privileged to be a part of it. The new homes will provide a stable and secure foundation for the residents and their families, and they will be a source of pride and joy for many years to come.

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